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Cisco Supervisor Engine

Cisco Supervisor Engine" title="Cisco Supervisor Engine

Cisco Supervisor Engine Upgrades Your System Performance & Improves Networking

The Cisco Supervisor Engine is a module that is installed in the Cisco Chassis-based Catalyst Switches or Routers. Supervisor engine contains nearly all the same components of a fixed Cisco Switches or Routers. These Supervisor engines come in a variety of different types with different functionalities and are installed in the Switches/Router Chassis as per requirements of the network types.

Benefits of Supervisor Engines:

By installing Latest Supervisor Engines in your existing investments (Switches and Routers) you can scale system performance and integrate next-generation services into your Networks.

Within a single multilayer switch chassis, two supervisor modules with integrated route processors can be used to provide hardware redundancy. If an entire supervisor module fails, the other module can pick up the pieces and continue operating the switch

Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T XL VS-S2T-10G-XL=
Regular price: $24,999.99
Sale price: $14,997.99
Cisco Supervisor Engine IV Control Processor WS-X4515=
Regular price: $9,999.99
Sale price: $3,997.99
Cisco Supervisor Engine 6-E Control Processor WS-X45-SUP6-E
Regular price: $10,999.99
Sale price: $2,323.99
Cisco Supervisor Engine 720 Control Processor WS-SUP720
Regular price: $1,799.99
Sale price: $899.99
Cisco Supervisor Engine 7-E Control Processor WS-X45-SUP7-E=
Regular price: $7,999.99
Sale price: $6,239.99
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Supervisor 1XL Module C9400-SUP-1XL
Regular price: $16,313.99
Sale price: $14,203.48