Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 is the .NET Enterprise Servers platform for rapidly building next generation online businesses. Commerce Server 2002 is built on agile Microsoft .NET technology that allows you to extend your site functionality, drive profitability, and enhance the customer experience globally. Commerce Server provides powerful features for user profiling, personalization, catalog management, order processing, globalization (multiple languages and currencies), and advanced online business analytics. The Standard Edition is designed for the mid-market organization using a per processor license. Web sites built with a limited purpose or scope can advantageously use the more sophisticated features within Commerce Server 2002, such as catalog management, campaign management, personalization, and limited business analytics without incurring additional costs. The Standard Edition contains all the features of Commerce Server 2002, and it can be implemented in sites that have high-availability requirements. Standard Edition licensing permits the implementation of one site and two Web servers. With today's hardware and known best practices, the cleanest possible scenario is to have two Web servers per site. This would provide capacity for 8,400 concurrent users, with a population of approximately 840,000 users at a 1 percent concurrency rate.
System Type : PC
Media Format : CD-ROM
License Type : Complete package
Genre : E-commerce
Required OS : Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP1, Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP1, Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP2
Required Memory : 256 MB
Required Disk Space : 100 MB
Required Processor Class : Intel Pentium
Required Processor Speed : 400 MHz
Product Type : Retail
Language : English
Other Requirements : Mouse or compatible device, CD-R, Network adapter
Microsoft Part Number : 532-00914
UPC : 805529027879